This blog originally started out as part of a group I began at the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University and the Tulane Medical School. I have an overwhelming desire to make a career in global health and find solutions to absolute poverty that work. I will now make this blog my personal space for recording thoughts, discoveries, and updates in global health. I hope to impart knowledge and continue to facilitate the original goals in the founding of Menal's and I's global health group at Tulane.

Follow me on Twitter!!/globaluv4health
Intro from old blog::
This weekly Tulane Global Health Discussion Group was created to allow an open and casual forum in which to discuss a range of global health topics. The purpose:
*to learn about issues of global health
*to foster our abilities to communicate about global health
*to benefit from each other's expertise and experience
*to gain a multidisciplinary perspective on global health issues
This group is facilitated byAshley Schmidt (Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine/Doctors for Global Health) and Menal Jham (Tulane School of Medicine/American Medical Student Association).
Questions? Email us:
Ashley Schmidt (DGH/SPHTM)
Menal Jham (AMSA/SOM)