
Global Health Resources

Websites of Interest:

The Global Health Council:  world's largest membership alliance.  US based, non-profit, created in 1972.  Great for job searching in the global health arena.

Center for Global Development: independent research and practical ideas for global prosperity. They have a great events page if you live in DC.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:  What can I say?  They basically run global health and help to direct all the efforts worldwide.  Stay up to date with them and be sure to check out their infographics! 

Bill Gates also has a website featuring his "notes" on what he's thinking:

Good, Inc.  Infographics. period. Need to get creative to produce a visual for a global health message?
Look here and become inspired.

USAID 50th: I worked really hard on this website at a previous job and love the design.  Also, a good space to learn about USAID and realize the AMAZING efforts put forth by a US federal agency that has done good in the world. They aren't always too bureaucratic and are way underfunded. See:

TED Talks:  Innovation and creative minds at its best.  Check out what others are creatively doing to make our world a better place in all aspects of life and spanning all sectors of interest.  Probably the best website for learning in the world.

FHI: health and development organization whose science-based programs bring lasting change to the world's most vulnerable people.

John E. Fogarty International Center: funded by and a vital part of the NIH.  This Center focuses on global health research using US and international investigators.  They put out a Global Health Newsletter called: Global Health Matters, read more at:

*Global Health Delivery Online: improving health care delivery through global health collaboration.  This online platform allows for exchange of ideas and resources pertaining to addressing health needs in resource poor settings:

Three Blogs I Love:

*Karen Grepin's Global Health Blog offers many general global health blogs and specialized topic blogs, one of the best around!:

*The International Health Policies Blog.  A blog whose initiatives are part of a project that aims at bridging the poles and getting more people from the South involved both in designing national health systems and global health agenda. Funding is provided by the Belgian Cooperation. Sign up for weekly email updates that are amazing and how I personally stay current @ with the subject line:  IHP_today_subscribe

Websites are : and

*Humanosphere: Charting Global Health and the Fight Against Poverty. Seattle is the epicenter of a global effort to beat back poverty and illness in the poorest corners of the world. We'd like Humanosphere to be your go-to source for news, conversation and analysis about this effort as it unfolds. Your host is KPLU's Tom Paulson, a reporter with decades of experience covering science, medicine and global health in the US and beyond...

More Blogs: 

*Global health Europe-Europe and the future financing of the WHO David Gleicher; A Global Health Europe issue brief points out what Europe’s role could be in the future financing of WHO. Europe should aim for a better financed and more effective WHO, and its member states should thus gradually move away from earmarked WHO funding towards funding its general budget.

Other University Global Health Websites:

*Duke Global Health Institute:
*Harvard Global Health Initiative:
*John Hopkins Center for Global Health:
*Berkeley Center for Global Publicv Health:

World Data:

*Kaiser Family Foundation US Global Health Policy:
The Kaiser Family Foundation is known for sound research on a wide range of health topics.  Check out their home page for useful resources on a range of health topics in the States and beyond. 

*World Health Organization:
You may be surprised how much information you can find on this website if you dig hard enough.  Free images and a multitude of publications/world reports can be found here.

*World Bank: open data source.  This year the WB opened their data sources for the world to use.  Over 2,000 indicators are avaliable for use:

Tulane Global Health Groups:

Doctors for Global Health (DGH)

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)

Tulane Center for Evidence Based Global Health