Thursday, November 25, 2010

The First Global Symposium for Health Systems Research

(Tuesday November 23rd)

This Symposium was mandated by the WHO and was an important gathering of 1,200 leading experts from multidisciplinary sectors to discuss health systems research. Where are we now? What are the methods of research we can improve to adequately address health systems? How can we make health systems more efficient and effective? What does the current literature say about these issues? What are the future directions research needs to take?

Universal health care coverage was a major topic discussed pertaining to health systems research. How can we achieve this financially? There seems to be a major gap in research on international financing of health systems. Current literature focuses on national health care financing. We need research efforts to stress international health care financing. It is not possible for some countries to support universal health care coverage, however this does not mean universal health care coverage is not out of reach. It is possible to provide health care financing for a universal health care plan (US $40 per person, per year). Some countries will just need help getting off the ground to begin such a massive global endeavour. The ultimate goal is for nations to be self-sustaining, however, in the beginning this will not be possible. The first reading assigned for this meeting looks at how this is possible, supporting a national interest. A moral/altruistic attitude toward approaching a universal health care plan is not necessary in arguing that this is a good idea for all nations. Read the article below as it really gives a good contextual argument for universal health care.

**Ooma, G., Hammonds, R. & Damme, W. (2010). The International Political Economy of Global Universal Health Coverage.


On the Global Symposium for Health Systems Research Website, you will find ALL the plenary webcasts and background papers for this symposium. Instead of offering you our meeting's discussion points I highly recommend that you watch the webcasts sessions below and GO TO THE WEBSITE HOME and click around to find the topics of interest to you:


Webcast from Plenary from Friday Nov 19th: HSR stewardship, financing and capacity: Opportunities and obstacles to improved research.


And also read this background paper:

**Mylene, L., Powell-Jackson, T., & Blaau., D. (2010). Managing Incentives for Health Providers and Patients in the Move Towards Universal Coverage.


I learned so much from this website and I hope you will take the time to review some of the information this website has to offer. HSR (health systems research) is a critical topic to understand for our generation and for professionals in medicine and public health that will become leaders in the future.

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